baked ginger cookies and made caramel corn with peanuts,

worked on projects, I was tempted to indulge in Bonnie Hunter's mystery and start a new sawtooth star project after seeing this video on the Quilt in a Day site. Fun!

then I baked more, you see, my dear husband, Mr. IQ, is not one to make chocolate disappear. However, he's pretty good at making cookies disappear...so I chopped up the candy bars (all of them!) and added them to a sweet dough (try this recipe) and made bar cookies. The texture is similar to a brownie when baked in a 10x18 pan for 25 minutes. Mmmm.

prepared for an upcoming class I will teach,

decorated a gingerbread house in a timed contest. We had teams, my niece, my brother-in-law and I decorated the one on the left. The one on the right was decorated by my mom, Mr. IQ and my nephew. They won the contest! They only finished the front, but the judge liked the 'simplicity' of it. It's okay, the losers got brownies. I am over it, really...it was a lot of fun!

Watched lots of football and prepared for the NFL fantasy football playoffs...we are in week 17 now and I am playing another team for the championship. Wish me luck!